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The Nuts & Bolts of Real Estate Investing

Jun 27, 2019

Do you have the G.U.T.S. to improve your real estate business with Claude Diamond? You might learn some Claude’isms that will take your business farther than you could even imagine.

Jun 24, 2019

Today we have have the privilege of speaking with one of our favorite Seattle real estate investors, Marishka Pilch all about how she (and her dynamic partner, Larry Gill) have built their note investing business.

Jun 13, 2019

If you want to hear about the REAL DEAL ups and downs of an investors first 3 deals… you’ve got to listen to this episode with Dan Cleary! It’s not all roses and sunshine, and sometimes you buy a house with hoarders that don’t want to leave…

Jun 6, 2019

Meet one of the most interesting real estate investors and coaches that we’ve had the pleasure of speaking with! Coach Chad Carson has info that will improve any real estate business.